


NASA Tested, NASA Approved


Fiorentino Sea Anchor Gets A Ride Into Space

In use by many USCG Cutters

Offshore Para-Ring Anchor
an angry ocean during extreme weather where Coast Guard rescue is impossible.

Fiorentino's parachute sea anchor is designed and built
 to withstand extreme weather in situations where Coast Guard rescue is impossible. This is the
only parachute sea anchor to self adjust in heavy seas and strong ocean currents. It is also the only parachute sea anchor that absorbs massive shock loads without blowing panels or twisting parachute lines. That means no collapsing canopies, which can make quite a difference when cruising in storm conditions.

Revolutionary Para-Ring®spreads
open shroud lines to prevent tangle

Fiorentino’s patented Para-Ring
® is a stainless
steel fabrication that comes in eight different
and is pre-sized to each order. Fiorentino's
Para-Ring® spreads out the shroud
lines, thus preventing chafe and enabling the swivel
to work without restriction.
The Para-Ring® is the
only device on the market that permits a swivel
to rotate under load.

    In test studies,
    the PARA-RING  

    and other
    hardware. .

       See underwater photos or video
      of how the PARA-RING hardware
      and para-anchor operate.

       Related Information

         More comparisons
Research & sea trials

         Fiorentino Construction
       Fast-PAK Deployment & Packing
World's Best Para-Anchor

what people are saying....

    Rated "The Best"
    by SAIL   


    Rated "Number
by Practical

    Prevents tangles,
    chafe, and twisted
    shroud lines  

    As seen in  
    Practical Sailor's  
    Guide to Sailing


Fast-PAK Deployment System
® deploys fast and packs fast


Fiorentino Generic Size Chart

Weight Boat Length *Diam.(U.S.) Metric
 10,000 lbs. 30' 6' 1.83 m.
 20,000 lbs. 35' 9' 2.74 m.
 30,000 lbs. 45' 12' 3.66 m.
 40,000 lbs. 50' 16' 4.88 m.
 46,000 lbs. 60' 18' 5.49 m.
 50,000 lbs. 65' 21' 6.40 m.
*over 50,000 lbs. over 65' 24' 7.32 m.
*over 50,000 lbs. over 65' 28' 8.53 m.
*over 50,000 lbs. over 65' 34' 10.36 m.
*over 50,000 lbs. over 65' 40' 12.19 m.
e-mail custom +40'


(boat specs. required)


                          International (Outside U.S.)

 Manufactured in Newport Beach, CA U.S.A.

Contact Us:  Phone: 949-631-2336 or Fiorentino
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